Farming isn’t just a job, it’s a way of life. It’s the same here at Bailey. For over forty years we’ve blended our family’s farming roots with a passion for making trailers that suit farmers down to the ground.
There are three generations of Bailey’s in the business. We asked Jazz Bailey to share her thoughts on all things Bailey Trailers, you can read what she said here ››
Mind you, the Bailey family extends to our customers and dealers throughout these shores and overseas. William Sawbridge farms the land in North Buckinghamshire, his business now relies on 3 of our TB trailers. William explains why here ››
During the winter months Paul Stent spends 7 days a week harvesting sugar beet throughout Norfolk and Suffolk. Paul’s business relies on 5 of our trailers, including two Beeteapers. There’s no time to waste as Paul explains here ››
Our trailers are well known for being robust and reliable. However, as good as they are, they still require the odd part now and again. Parts Manager Ben Turner makes sure there’s never a shortage of popular items, see more information here ››
‘It takes a real man to pull a pink trailer!’ according to Charles Waudby. Charles was the lucky winner of our special pink TB15, which we raffled on behalf of Breast Cancer Now. We caught up with Charles during harvest 2024 to see how he’s getting on with his new trailer. Charles tells all here ››
When you visit our website, you’ll notice a new page the ‘Operators’ Hub’. We’ve designed this specifically for our customers to access important maintenance documents and schedules. In addition, we’ve included useful hints and tips to enable you to get the most out of your trailer. Most recently, we’ve taken a look at load sensing ››
On behalf of the Bailey family, I wish you the very best for the farming year.
Michael Bailey
Managing Director