Willie Lean runs an agricultural and groundworks contracting business situated between Inverness and Nairn. The business runs a 24 tonne tri-axle Bailey Contract Tipper (CT24) to haul anything from grain and muck to top and sub soils. Their CT24 is fitted with an onboard “Cropweigh” weighing system, which has more than paid for itself as Willie explains…
“When we ordered the trailer and asked for the weighing system I wasn’t sure whether we’d done the right thing, it added a fair amount to the price of the trailer. I needn’t have worried though as the system paid for itself inside the first few months.
“Before we used this trailer we would be asked to quote to haul a certain tonnage and many times the actual weight carted was greater than what we had quoted for. It was difficult to go back to the customer without a figure, the Onboard Weighing System has changed that dramatically. We now know exactly what weight we are hauling and can show the customer from readings taken on our phones via the app. If we have hauled what we’ve quoted for and there’s more to do we can renegotiate the job.
“Our ability to share real time data with our customers works both ways as they can see from the Weighing System just what the fields are doing in terms of yield when we’re in them. We can also access the data from the PC on the farm to produce accurate daily reports.
“Once you’ve got an Onboard Weighing System on your trailer you’d never have another one without it. We’ve ordered a new 20 tonne Bailey TB trailer primarily for our grain work and this will have the same Weighing System on it. It’s a fantastic piece of kit.”